Raymarine Voyage Planner questions & answers

Manage data from Raymarine multifunction displays
Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

Yes, you can create a plan at home on your PC using Raymarine Voyage Planner for Windows, save it to an SD card, and then import it to your Raymarine element.

Answer by Akash Shah

You can download the route data to your Axiom plus MFDs using a microSD card or via the Raymarine Wi-Fi network. The steps to do this can be found in the Raymarine Voyage Planner user manual or by contacting Raymarine customer support.

Question by Roger Kiely
December 23, 2019

I'd like to get a serial number for voyage planner 1.3 as I purchased a 2012 sailboat with a e120W. How can I get one???


Roger Kiely

Question by Ian
January 12, 2018

If I buy Raymarine Voyage Planner for my laptop, are the maps detailed or simply base maps?

Answer by Sean Hill

I've checked and found these core features of the Raymarine Voyage Planner:

  • Intuitive and lightning fast waypoint, route creation and edits.
  • Easy waypoint, route and track transfer via CF or microSD card.-
  • Multiple charts in tab or tile view.
  • Distance and bearing tool.
  • Link digital photos to the map.
  • Depth soundings in feet or metres.

The software also supports the following charts:

  • Navionics: Navionics+, Navionics Update, Navionics Platinum+, Navionics HotMap and legacy Gold and Platinum chart cards (No card reader required after initial use. Requires N-tag enabled chart card.)
  • NV Digital, Solteknik, NOAA ENS and RNC charts for US waters via free, automatic download

For additional information about the Raymarine Voyage Planner, visit the following URL.

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Alternative downloads

Insight Planner

Program for marine navigation planning.

GPS TrackManager

An application for planning routes & managing routes, waypoints and trackpoints.

Voyage Distance

Voyage definition files can be transferred between users.